Recover Raspberry PI sdcard for use on windows

I had a (Chinese) 8GB class 10 sdcard that tested fine with h2Testw but gave mmc0: Timeout waiting for hardware interrupt - cmd18 in the Raspberry PI.

So it was unusable to boot the PI but I also found that I could not get rid of the partioning using windows. All methods I tried only formatted the 56MB first parttion. On my Windows 8 PC disk manager showed only one partition.

Using check_mk as an agent to monitor a linux server

Adding check_mk to our Nagios server was easy so I went on to install the check_mk agent on one of our servers.

For this installation I choose to take the rpm install path following the description on the check_mk site. The maxwait mentioned in the documentation is installed by the rpm.

A minor item missing in this desciption is that it may be necessary to open port 6556 in the firewall configuration.

Adding check_mk to Nagios

I came across check_mk when looking for plugins for our Nagios installation, at that time I did not have the time to check it out. A project  I'm working on at a customer site needs monitoring and I decided to try check_mk.

check_mk is an add on to Nagios build by a German Linux consulting firm. We already had a running installation of Nagios and pnp4nagios on a CentOs server. Nagios is a prerequisite for installing check_mq, I'm not sure if pnp4nagios is required or not.

NHQ Planet now available

The latest issue of Linux Magazine contains an article about Bilboplanet a RSS aggregator. I got interested and decided to give it a go, the result is now available on won't duplicate the Linux magazine article, you can read it here some extra installation information,

Site revival and switch to Drupal

The original nhq-melle site was made in Joomla, for various reasons I decided to migrate to Drupal.

  • patriotism : The orignal Drupal developer is a fellow countryman.
  • curiosity 

feel : as in look-and-feel. I'm not yet fully at home in Drupal but I find it, as a developer, more intuitive.

The upgrade.

There is a joomla to drupal but it is not yet in Drupal 7 so I first installed Drupal 6, Imported my joomla content and then upgraded to Drupal 7


Trowser: a Less alternative on MS Windows

After bringing down a system by using vi on a huge logfile I've taken the habit of using less to view logfiles. Unfortunately I don't know of a less version that's useful on a window system, the 80 character limit of a console application makes the GNUWin version rather useless.

Trowser, the Trace browser offers a nice alternative to less. It runs under wish, the TCL window shell.

You can get trowser from . Extract the files, it's generally easier to use directories without spaces in the name so I use c:\apps as directory. I used the ActiveTCL to run it .

Usage:  C:\temp>C:\Tcl\bin\wish85.exe c:\apps\trowser-1.3\trowser.tcl database.lg

Error message gripe


Message from webpage
Unable to add selected web part(s).

Database webpart: A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. The type could not be found or it is not registered as safe.

Oei, als dat maar houdt

De opening tussen de voorkant van ons huis en de vernieuwde achterkant wordt groter gemaakt.

Toch is het schrikken als je dat grote gat ziet


Het roemloze eind van de vijver

Ook de vijver moet er aan geloven, hier komt een regenwaterput van 5000L. Gelukkig hebben we schitterende buren die dat gedrocht door hun tuin laten aanleveren



De afbraak, deel II

Vandaag is onze aannemer begonnen met de resterende afbraak. Gelukkig kan hij met een "bobcat" door de gang





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